Mon- chili in the crockpot
Homemade macaroons for dessert. Yum!
Tues – Ds spent the night with a buddy so I was by myself in the house – and it was weird!!!! I was starving when I got home so I had chicken tenders.
Wed - picked up DS and after Bible Study… he had leftover pizza and I had a leftover chili.
Thurs - I went out with for a planned dinner with friends, and one of them bought everyone's meal, which was a sweet surprise! I made ds a pizza from the freezer before I left. And he ate it ALL.
Fri - Homemade burgers and fries (mine was bunless)
So here's our plan for this week:
Dinner: Salad (for me), chicken tenders or leftover BBQ chicken (for ds)
Lunch: Pizza for ds, salad for me
Dinner: Leftover BBQ chicken, leftover baked beans for ds, salad for me
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Tacos
Leftovers for lunch & dinner
swimming at my parents' house for lunch, going to a ballgame with the family that evening
family day and a fishing trip for all the boys :)
4th of JULY! Happy Independence Day!
picnic lunch with the fam at the beach, and snack dinner at the fireworks that night
What's on your menu?
Share at Menu Plan Monday.
And feel free to jump into the Pantry Challenge at Good Cheap Eats!
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