Saturday, April 5, 2008

Forever ago...

I started this blog.
To participate in Menu Plan Monday.
And I do plan my menus regularly, but I've been feeling the need to have some place to vent myself lately, so here I am. After months of not writing anything.
What is it about writing that is so cathartic?

I am listening to the August Rush soundtrack right now and I LOVE IT.
I love the percussive sounds of the strumming of the guitar... I love the anguish in the lyrics of JRM's songs. (He's not bad to look at either.) I love getting lost in the sounds. I love the thought that music can so inspire - I believe that. I teach it every day. I want to inspire my students the same way. Sometimes I succeed, many days I fail.

Food for my soul.
The language of my heart.

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