I'm sharing a tried-and-true frugal tip today on Frugal Friday.
I have read that because of the flooding in the heartland of our country, potatoes are going to skyrocket. Living in the HOTTTTTTTTT south, potatoes do not keep for very long. I've never tried growing them, but I think this might be the year to start. At any rate, I bought 20 pounds today, at a not-too-dreadful .59/lb. I made mashed potatoes for the freezer and a BUNCH of twice baked potatoes. I will freeze them and they will be on hand any time I want them. I know you can make mashed potatoes from instant, but I am a real-thing kinda girl. ;)
I am now on the hunt for a recipe for roasted potatoes that I can make ahead and freeze. Potatoes usually do okay if you at least partially cook them first. If you don't, they turn black... very unappetizing. If I find one, I'll post!
Here's to a Frugal Friday for everyone!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 week ago
Thanks for this tip. I love potatoes and I am going to stock up and fill my freezer.
I had no clue you could freeze them! Thanks for the idea!
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