Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post-surgery menu, week two

Well, last week, I ended up only cooking on Sunday. Every other day, dinner was delivered to us - what a blessing! I was much more tired than I could have imagined after Monday's first day back to work, and a dear woman in our lives called unexpectedly to tell me she was bringing dinner. I am a blessed woman.

On to this week...
Sunday~ Chicken with mushroom gravy (cooked the crockpot), over egg noodles. This was planned for Saturday, but did not get to it, so it moved to this week.
Monday~ dinner from Apple Market, courtesy of my grandparents
Tuesday~ Pasta fagioli (crockpot- I add ground beef too)
Wednesday~ Orange chicken, rice, broccoli (using chicken nuggets, but borrowing the sauce from Sunny Anderson)
Thursday~ Open House at school. Either leftovers or drive-thru.
Friday~ Hamburgers on the grill, tossed salad, chips
Saturday~ WHEW! If everything holds together, it may be a pizza night!

Share in the menu madness at Menu Plan Monday!

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