Sunday, December 2, 2012

December is here!

Last week's menu did not go exactly  according to plan (I know - you're shocked), but we managed.  We went out to eat twice... that is my husband's way of coping with stress.  So we did.  But it's okay - just means some meals moved down the calendar a bit.

Can you believe that these tomato plants are blooming in DECEMBER????  Not sure how long they'll last, but we'll take them while we can!

Here's our amended plan:
1 ~ Roast in the crock pot, mashed potatoes, green beans we had the chili nachos that were scheduled for Friday instead
2 ~ Roast in the crock pot, mashed potatoes, green beans3 ~ Open-faced roast beef sandwiches concert night
4 ~ Frozen lasagna concert #2
5 ~ Chicken with mushroom gravy, egg noodles
6 ~ Ds#3 is in this concert, so we'll go out after it's over
7 ~ Steak, baked potatoes, salad (ds#3's request)
8 ~ Sausage, homemade mac'n'cheese

Every year in December, I put up a Christmas countdown for my son.  When I decided to do this, my big boys were too old for it to be much fun for them, but I've done this for my youngest boy since he was three.  He is getting older, and I wanted to make this a more spiritual experience than just opening candy.  Here's my list for the days leading up to Christmas.
1: plant grass seeds (to be the bed for Baby Jesus in our nativity) late getting this put out, and hubs didn't get the grass seeds, so he got a note and chocolate :)
2: show God's love to another person (along with heart stickers for him)
3: remember God's faithfulness and sing Christmas carols around the piano
4: make someone happy/laugh (smiley stickers)
5: show God's love (piece of chocolate)
6: concert tonight! Out to eat afterward
7: favorite dinner for ds
8: decorate the tree

I'd love to hear how you celebrate the season!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

MPM definitely keeps me on track. I actually look forward to Mondays!
Your menu plan looks delicious.
Have a wonderful week!