Kate at A Simple Walk tagged me to share 6 random things about myself. When I am done, I get to tag 6 more people to play along. So, here goes, six random things about me:
1. I adore chocolate. It makes me feel better. YES, I need it.
2. I love to sing. When I lose my voice, I feel like I will die because I cannot express myself in song. Bizarre, maybe. Music is truly the language of my soul.
3. In high school, I thought it would be a waste to go to college... instead, I'd just get married after graduation and have kids. Never mind that I didn't even have a boyfriend. (I never told my parents about these plans. I am sure they would not have approved.) **If this happens to be your story, please do not feel that I am implying anything negative about your choice. This is simply VERY different from the way my own life turned out.**
4. I have considered shaving my head. You can read more of that story here.
5. I was probably the most unattached pregnant woman I have ever known. I was not in love with the baby inside me. I was too busy throwing up and wishing I could feel better to care that he could be wonderful. (After he was born, all that changed. But for those nine months..... ugh.)
6. I wish I looked good without makeup. My sister is gorgeous when she wakes up in the morning. I am not. I need some help. Mascara, eyeliner, and blush are my friends.
Okay. Here are my six:
1. Kiy at Rocking Chairs & a Tricycle
2. Audra at Krellfish
3. Carolyn at Scrapping Servant
4. Toni at The Happy Housewife
5. Diane at Forgetful One
6. Jubilee at Notes of Jubilee
Have fun with it! ;)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
Hey sister, I just got tagged for the "random six" last week and posted it on Sunday. It'll have to do, as those are the only six things about me to date. Ha ha! Thanks for thinking of me! Oh, and I hear you on the non-bonding thing while the baby was inside, I thought I was the worst!
Uh-oh, I am notoriously bad about these kinds of things. However, I will rack my brains and try to come up with six. Thanks for the tag, it made me smile to see your message. :)
I am right there with you on #5. Throughout all of my pregnancies I've always said I'd rather be in labor a dozen times in a row than pregnant for 9 months!
Thanks for playing along.
thanks for tagging me... I will save this post and (hopefully) play along sometime.
thanks for the tag, i'll have to think about it and post it later this week
I forgot to let you know, I actually did it!
haha, Kiy (thanks for thinking of me) :)
I finally played along my dear :)
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