I will not be posting a picture of what I'm tackling today. You will understand in a moment. But I will share a much more pleasant moment in time.... two of my sons playing whiffle ball in our front yard this weekend.
On to less wonderful things.
We have popcorn ceilings in our home.
We have discussed scraping them, and probably will at some point. But right now, we are just living with them. (Not that this is new... we've lived in this house for 13.5 years.) Anyway.
The ceiling in my living room is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dirty. So I will be cleaning it today. How do I clean it, you ask? Oh - it's so exciting. With a broom. I sweep my ceilings. And then I have to clean the room, because stuff falls off the ceilings all over the place. Yeah. Now you know why I'm not posting a picture of THAT.
What are you tackling today? Be sure to share here.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 424
1 week ago
We suffer the aesthetic drudgery of popcorn ceilings, too. Your task of the day literally caused me to "look up".
Yep - The popcorn is still there...but the ceilings are nice and white.
So now I'm curious. What on earth are you doing to make your ceiling so dirty?
Good luck with the chore!
My sister got so fed up with her popcorn ceilings that they had them sanded. What a job and mess! The hired professional contractors to sand and then had to hire professional cleaners to clean their house. They lived in a hotel for over a week! I do believe they think the trouble was all worth it,though (They are just moving back this week). Lots to consider... good luck!
O' you poor poor girl! I feel your pain ...whoever invented this should have been shot in the foot at least!
Bet he didn't have to clean it!
Goodluck to you!
Good Luck...
I just had hashbrowns for breakfast, so thanks for not posting the pictures! : ) That sounds like a really awful tackle, but kudos to you for doing it anyway! Good luck!
Well... I finished it!!
As to why they are so dirty - I guess I should say that it's primarily DUST that accumulates. And I don't know why. We've had the vents in the house cleaned and all that stuff, but that side of the house seems to get dustier than the other side. We have not been able to figure out why. So we deal with the dust. Not nearly as often as we should. But we deal. And now it's done.
WOO HOO!!!!!
I have the dreaded popcorn ceiling as well. Can't stand it....
You go girl! Great tackle! :D
I'm tackling My Bucket List and a great giveaway. Pop on over to check it out: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com/search/label/bucket%20list
Today's Bucket List item was Kiss the Most Beautiful Girl in the World!
Popcorn ceilings...ugh! I can't imagine having to clean those.
When I was a little girl our house had popcorn ceilings. You know what my favorite hobby was? Standing on my bed or couch or anywhere high enough and raking my hand across the ceiling so that I'd "get snowed on!" You can imagine how thrilled my mom was with this hobby.
Great job, so glad you got it tackled!
We have popcorn ceilings too...every room except for the bathroom. Strange. I just don't look up and the dust doesn't bother me...lol! Cobwebs are something I need to attend to though...ick!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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